Class of 1966 - 1st Grade

ZOOM by hovering over this image. Click Here to Toggle the Guide (note: NO ZOOM with Guide)Provided by Jim White '66

Class of 1966 Central Elementary Grade 1 - Mrs. Annis Love

1: ?, 2: Joe Butler, 3: ?, 4: Jim White, 5: Vincent Bramlette, 6: Clifton Goodwin, 7: Patricia Newton, 8: Margaret Stoddard, 9: ?, 10: ?,
11: Kit Gaddy, 12: Linda Owens, 13: Sarah Gordon Dunlap, 14: ?, 15: George Beck, 16: ?, 17: Mary Ellen Pringle, 18: ?, 19: Wesley Robinson, 20: Dick Baxter,
21: Camille Estornelle, 22: ?, 23: ?, 24: ?, 25: Buddy Strange, 26: Debbie Turbeville, 27: ?, 28: Mrs Annis Love

Provided by Marion David Nesbitt '66

Class of 1966 Lemira Elementary Grade 1 - Mrs. Rheta Blackburn

1st Row:David Hudson, Joyce Smith, Robert Thompson, ?, Wesley Gainey, ?
2nd Row: Marion David Nesbitt, Linda Berry, ?, ?, Ruth Ann Pierson, ?
3rd Row: ?, Roberta Bradshaw, Jack Gibson, ?, Sammy Way, ?
4th Row: Archie Blakely, Brenda Hill, ?, ?, Diane Phillips, Benny Compton, ?
5th Row: Jimmy Floyd, ?, ?

ZOOM by hovering over this image. Click Here to Toggle the Guide (note: NO ZOOM with Guide)Provided by Janet Tallman '66

Class of 1966 Washington School Grade 1 - Ms. Martin

1: ?, 2: ?, 3: Ralph Worrell, 4: ?, 5: ?, 6: ?, 7: ?, 8: Barbara Wells, 9: ?, 10: ?,
11: Jerry Kennington, 12: ?, 13: ?, 14: Janice Howeiler, 15: Ginger Phillips, 16: ?, 17: ?, 18: Jimmy Griffin, 19: Mary Jo Cheek, 20: ?,
21: Mildred Givens, 22: ?, 23: Billy Eldridge, 24: David Ross, 25: Janet Tallman, Standing: Ms. Martin

Provided by Harriett Johnson '66

Class of 1966 Willow Drive Elementary Grade 1 - Miss Miriam Richards - Christmas Pageant

Standing Angels (Top Center) L/R: Harriett Johnson, Cile Moise, Delores Felkel